Iberia, Mul­ti­cul­tur­alisms, and Mar­ginal Writing

By | Published on August 26, 2019

Closely related to the graduate seminar Micro­lit­er­a­tures: In the Margins of the Law, this series of sem­inars (issue #2 of Iberian Con­nec­tions) con­venes spe­cialists from varied fields of inquiry whose lines of ques­tioning also con­verge in Iberia. With a critical eye on the con­cepts of mul­ti­cul­tur­alisms and mar­ginal writing and their his­torical under­pin­nings, we will be addressing some ques­tions crossing periods and dis­ci­plines. Some of those ques­tions are the fol­lowing: what does it mean to collect sacred books as part of a war booty? What kind of con­tem­porary political work does do the recovery and re-reading of Andalusi philo­sophical nar­ra­tives in colonial and post-colonial set­tings? How do we address fem­inist dis­courses from the past, and what kind of con­cepts do they provide for con­tem­porary critical thought? How does the study of magic across cul­tural Iberian spaces chal­lenge con­tem­porary ideas about mul­ti­cul­tur­alist and cross-disciplinarity? How do we engage with the concept of con­sti­tu­tional writing and con­sti­tu­tional thinking in past law, in a way that can enlighten con­tem­porary thought on con­sti­tu­tional law? Nuria de Castilla (EPHE, Paris), Murad Idris (Vir­ginia), Souleymane Bachir Diagne (Columbia), Borja Franco (UNED, Spain), Yonsoo Kim (Purdue), Alberto Mon­taner (Zaragoza, Spain), Emanuele Conte (EHESS, Paris; Roma Tre, Rome), and Beatrice Pas­ciuta (Uni­versity of Palermo) will address those and other questions.
