The (known) works of Teresa de Cartagena are pre­served in one single manuscript:

Bib­lioteca del Monas­terio de San Lorenzo del Escorial, h.III.24

This man­u­script refers to these works as tratados that were com­manded by Juana de Mendoza. It is dif­ficult to assess the actu­ality of this claim, as the tratados look more like letters that were sub­mitted to a woman (doña Juana). The Arboleda seems to have been sub­mitted spon­ta­neously, but the Admi­raçión is a reaction to the mas­culine claims that a woman could not have and maybe should not have pro­duced a work like the Arboleda. At any rate, the man­u­script con­tains both and puts them within a genre, thus giving them a lit­erary status and a position within the library. The scribe, Pedro López del Trigo, crafted a readable man­u­script with rubrics and a system of punc­tu­ation that make the man­u­script usable for study. Reading marks and small cor­rec­tions can be found all along the manuscript.