Borja Franco

Borja Franco Llopis (Valencia, 1982) graduated with a BA in Art History from the University of Valencia and won the First National Final Studies Award. He completed a PhD in the same area at the University of Barcelona, where he won the 2010 Best Humanities Dissertation Award. His research is devoted to the visual and literary representation of Muslims and Moriscos in Iberia. He is the author of three monographs related to this theme: Pintando al converso: la imagen del morisco en la península ibérica (1492-1614) (Cátedra, 2019); Espiritualidad, Reformas y Arte en Valencia (1545-1609) (University of Barcelona) and La pintura valenciana entre 1550 y 1609: cristología y adoctrinamiento morisco (University of Valencia and University of Lleida). He has edited other works such as: Another image: Muslims and Jews Made Visible in Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberia and Beyond (Brill, 2019) and Identidades cuestionadas. Coexistencia y conflictos interreligiosos en el Mediterráneo (University of Valencia, 2016). He has been a visiting scholar in several institutions such as the School of History and Archaeology in Rome, the Instituto Storico per el Medievo (Rome), the Warburg Institute, the Johns Hopkins University, University of California at Berkeley, Harvard University, Columbia University and Universidade Nova of Lisbon. He is actually Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the UNED and the PI of the international research group “Before Orientalism. Images of the Muslim Other in Iberia and its Mediterranean connections”, as well as, Working Group Leader of the European Cost Action: Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750).