Some of the readings on this list, sug­gested by Pro­fessor Yonsoo Kim for the prepa­ration of this session of Iberian Con­nec­tions, deal, pre­cisely, with nec­essary reassess­ments of the work of Teresa as a writer, and the life of Teresa within and outside the walls of the con­vents in which she lived.

Kim, Yonsoo. Between Desire and Passion. Teresa de Cartagena. Chapter 2: “Writing With Tra­di­tional Dis­courses.” Leiden & Boston: E. J. Brill, 2012: 35–50.

Kim, Yonsoo. Between Desire and Passion. Teresa de Cartagena. Chapter 5: “Writing to Give Voice: Defense of Women.” Leiden & Boston: E. J. Brill, 2012: 107–130.

Kim, Yonsoo, and Dayle Seidenspinner-Núñez. “His­tori­cizing Teresa: Reflec­tions on New Doc­u­ments Regarding Sor Teresa de Cartagena.” La Corónica 32.3 (2004): 121–150.

Moore, Jon K, Jr. “Con­ven­tional Botany or Unorthodox Organics? On the meollo/corteza metaphor in Admi­raçión Operum Dey of Teresa de Cartagena.” Romance Notes 44.1 (2003): 3–12.

Scar­borough, Connie L. “Irrefutable Argu­ments: Teresa de Cartagena Defends her Right to Authorship.” Romance Quar­terly 65.3 (2018): 124–134.

Trillia, Raquel. “Teresa de Cartagena: Agent of Her Own Sal­vation.” Revista Cana­diense de Estudios His­pánicos 32.1 (2007): 51–70.