
All articles related to the keyword “Manuscripts”

The Pro­duction of the Margin — Velasco

Published on January 18, 2022
The cog­nitive intu­ition of the impor­tance of the margin in the process of studying texts, empir­i­cally demon­strated by psy­chol­o­gists and ped­a­gogues cited in the attached article, explains the reasons why the margin of books is a coveted space.

Sobre la amistad

Published on April 5, 2020
Escribo esto que viene a con­tin­uación no porque sea original, sino porque me produce cierto grado de tran­quilidad, casi terapéutica.

El Apoc­alipsis del Cloisters

Published on March 19, 2020
En los links adjuntos tenemos el Cloisters Apoc­a­lypse y el ‘Val-Dieu’ Apoc­a­lypse, el primero con­servado en el Cloisters Museum de Nueva York, y el otro en la British Library de Londres.

Los mapas del Apocalipsis

Published on March 15, 2020
En la página de Digital Scrip­torium que encon­traréis entre los vín­culos de internet, podéis ver una selección de imá­genes de los lla­mados mapas del Apocalipsis.

Epistre Othéa –Christine de Pizan

Published on October 28, 2019
Forty seven extant man­u­scripts of the Epistre Othéa bear witness to the impor­tance of the work itself, and to the ways in which Christine became the first pro­fes­sional female author from the Middle Ages.

Teresa de Cartagena man­u­scripts and edition

Published on September 25, 2019
The (known) works of Teresa de Cartagena are pre­served in one single man­u­script: Bib­lioteca del Monas­terio de San Lorenzo del Escorial, h.III.24 This man­u­script refers to these works as tratados that were com­manded by Juana de Mendoza.