
All articles related to the keyword “Mediterranean”

Response –Nájera

Published on March 11, 2021
As one pos­sible horizon for our con­ver­sation, Hussein Fancy’s rereading of the notion of con­vivencia dis­lodges it from the binary aca­demic dis­course into which it has become locked since the bitter debates between Américo Castro and Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz over Spain’s identity in relation to its medieval Iberian past.

Mas­so­mafia –Mahmud

Published on March 8, 2021
Cit­izens have the right to form asso­ci­a­tions freely and without autho­rization for those ends that are not for­bidden by criminal law.

On Col­lab­o­ration

Published on September 21, 2020
In this position paper, rather than high­lighting new cor­puses of study or dis­cussing my own par­ticular research, I want to make a more global argument about the position of inter­dis­ci­plinary fields within today’s academy and open up a dis­cussion about what Mediter­ranean studies, Iberian Studies, and early modern His­panism might look like as a set of truly col­lab­o­rative, inter­secting fields.

The Cresques Project — Juan Ceva

Published on September 11, 2019
From the home page of the website: ABOUT THIS PROJECT: In 2009 I read the work of Ramon Pujades “Les cartes por­tolanes: la rep­re­sentació medieval d’una mar solcada,”((In Catalan, with English text ‘Por­tolan charts: the medieval rep­re­sen­tation of a ploughed sea’, Barcelona: Institut Car­togràfic de Catalunya; Institut d’Es­tudis Catalans; Institut Europeu de la Mediter­rània; Lunwerg, 2007. [With a DVD fea­turing the charts and selec­tions of the atlases cited.] ISBN: 10: 8497854144.