Teresa de Cartagena

All articles related to the keyword “Teresa de Cartagena”

Y pasó por mí” —Brown

Published on October 24, 2019
Because “writing” is not only the final output or product, but also a process or activity, both the expe­rience of writing and the final object of that expe­rience requires close scrutiny in order to identify how a woman writer might even con­sider approaching the process of writing.

On Teresa de Cartagena and Other Feminisms

Published on October 13, 2019
Some of the readings on this list, sug­gested by Pro­fessor Yonsoo Kim for the prepa­ration of this session of Iberian Con­nec­tions, deal, pre­cisely, with nec­essary reassess­ments of the work of Teresa as a writer, and the life of Teresa within and outside the walls of the con­vents in which she lived.

Teresa de Cartagena man­u­scripts and edition

Published on September 25, 2019
The (known) works of Teresa de Cartagena are pre­served in one single man­u­script: Bib­lioteca del Monas­terio de San Lorenzo del Escorial, h.III.24 This man­u­script refers to these works as tratados that were com­manded by Juana de Mendoza.