
Announcements and events from Iberian Connections and other related seminars and groups.

Law as Performance

Lindsay Stern (Yale Uni­versity, Com­par­ative Lit­er­ature) will be in con­ver­sation with Julie Stone Peters (Columbia Uni­versity) and Emanuele Conte (Rome 3, and EHESS-Paris) about Julie Stone Peters’ recent book, Law as Per­for­mance (Oxford UP, 2022).

Iberian Con­nec­tions 8.3 | Republics of Difference

Karen Graubart, Uni­versity of Notre Dame and Institute for Advanced Studies (Princeton) will be in dia­logue with Brais Lamela (Yale) about her work on the Cercado and ques­tions of pol­itics, race, law in a walled space of over­lapping jurisdictions.

Iberian Con­nec­tions 8.2 | Health and Healing

In this session Nicole Parisina Basile (Columbia) will be in dia­logue with the editors and the con­trib­utors for the volume Health and Healing in the Early Modern Iberian World: A Gen­dered Per­spective (2021).