Marginal Glossae

All articles related to the keyword “Marginal Glossae”

Third Game

Published on January 19, 2022
Because what is at stake is too much: pos­session, property, ownership.

Tabula Picta — Readings

Published on January 18, 2022
“In Tabula Picta Marta Madero turns to the extensive glosses and com­men­taries that medieval jurists ded­i­cated to the above ques­tions when artic­u­lating a notion of intel­lectual and artistic property rad­i­cally dif­ferent from our own.


By and
Published on January 18, 2022
Derrida was fre­quently inter­ested in mar­ginal writing, as we can see in La gram­ma­tologie, Marges de la Philosophie, or, of course, the infi­nitely labyrinthine Glas. None of these inter­ven­tions can be read devoid of their physical, material aspect.

The Pro­duction of the Margin — Velasco

Published on January 18, 2022
The cog­nitive intu­ition of the impor­tance of the margin in the process of studying texts, empir­i­cally demon­strated by psy­chol­o­gists and ped­a­gogues cited in the attached article, explains the reasons why the margin of books is a coveted space.