These games intend to foster lit­erary cre­ativity along with sound schol­arship. The one is not pos­sible without the other. But we expect that cre­ativity will make us feel unshackled from the most rigid con­strains of aca­demic pub­li­cation. There is a moment, at the beginning of any research we undertake, in which we need to think with, along, and beyond what we read, and in order to do so we need method (spe­cific ways to compile and analyze data, for instance) and joyful cre­ativity –being able to break with style rules, working with new con­cepts and notions, inventing ideas that still don’t have a name, or playing with objects, direc­tion­al­ities, posi­tions that seem, to a certain degree, mar­ginal or unexplored.

For each session, I will propose a game. You can choose how to play it, because although I give the headings, you are free to make the rules. For instance, I ask you to play game a, but I don’t tell you that you have to play it in a par­ticular written form; in this case, you can choose to play it by sub­mitting a pho­tog­raphy, or a comic strip, or a podcast, or a video cast, or the beginning or a romance, or a tweet-thread. This is up to you.