Fanon, Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth. Grove, 2002.

Pub­lisher’s Presentation

A dis­tin­guished psy­chi­a­trist from Mar­tinique who took part in the Algerian Nation­alist Movement, Frantz Fanon was one of the most important the­o­rists of rev­o­lu­tionary struggle, colo­nialism, and racial dif­ference in history. Fanon’s mas­terwork is a classic alongside Edward Said’s Ori­en­talism or The Auto­bi­og­raphy of Malcolm X, and it is now available in a new trans­lation that updates its lan­guage for a new gen­er­ation of readers.

The Wretched of the Earth is a bril­liant analysis of the psy­chology of the col­o­nized and their path to lib­er­ation. Bearing sin­gular insight into the rage and frus­tration of col­o­nized peoples, and the role of vio­lence in effecting his­torical change, the book inci­sively attacks the twin perils of post-independence colonial pol­itics: the dis­en­fran­chisement of the masses by the elites on the one hand, and inter­tribal and inter­faith ani­mosities on the other. Fanon’s analysis, a ver­i­table handbook of social reor­ga­ni­zation for leaders of emerging nations, has been reflected all too clearly in the cor­ruption and vio­lence that has plagued present-day Africa.

The Wretched of the Earth has had a major impact on civil rights, anti-colonialism, and black con­sciousness move­ments around the world.”

Homage to Frantz Fanon

By Aimé Césaire 

Frantz Fanon is dead. We expected this for many months, but against all reason, we were hopeful. We knew him as such a deter­mined person, capable of mir­acles, and as such a crucial figure on the horizon of men. We must accept the facts: Frantz Fanon is dead at age 37. A short life, but extra­or­dinary. Brief, but bright, illu­mi­nating one of the most atro­cious tragedies of the 20th century and detailing in an exem­plary manner the human con­dition, the con­dition of modern man. If the word “com­mitment” has a meaning, then it is embodied in the person of Frantz Fanon. He was called “an advocate of vio­lence, a ter­rorist.” And it’s true Fanon appointed himself the the­o­retician of vio­lence, the sole weapon of the col­o­nized against the bar­barism of colonialism.

However odd it seems, his vio­lence was non-violent; the vio­lence of justice, of pureness, uncom­pro­mising. His revolt was ethical, his approach one of gen­erosity. He did not simply join a cause. He gave himself to it. Wholly. Without reserve. Without measure. With unqual­ified passion.

A doctor, he knew human suf­fering. As a psy­chi­a­trist, he observed the impact on the human mind of trau­matic events. Above all, as a “colonial” man he felt and under­stood what it was to be born and live in a colonial sit­u­ation; he studied this sit­u­ation sci­en­tif­i­cally, aided by intro­spection as much as observation.

His revolt was in this context. As a doctor in Algeria, he wit­nessed the unfolding of colonial atroc­ities, and this was what gave birth to rebellion. It wasn’t enough for him to argue in defense of the Algerian people. He united himself with the oppressed, humil­iated, tor­tured and beaten down Algerian. He became Algerian. Lived, fought and died Algerian. A the­o­retician of vio­lence, doubtless, and yet more so of action. Because he had an aversion to mere talk. Because he had an aversion to com­promise. Because he had an aversion to cow­ardice. No one was more respectful of ideas, more respon­sible to his own ideals, more exacting of life he imagined as a prac­tical ideal.

It is thus that he became a com­batant, and a writer, one of the most bril­liant of his generation.

On colo­nialism, the human con­se­quences of col­o­nization and racism, the key text to read is Black Skin, White Masks. On decol­o­nization, again by Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth.

Fanon died and one reflects on his life; his epic side as well as his tragic side. The epic side is that Fanon lived to the very end his destiny of a champion of liberty, mas­tering to the heights his sense of identity with humanity and that he died a fighter for Internationalism.

At the actual moment when he himself was entering the “great darkness,” at the brink of which he was reeling, he under­stands: “Come Com­rades, it is better to change our thinking. To shake off and leave behind the great darkness into which we have plunged… It is nec­essary to invent, to dis­cover … for Europe, for our­selves, and for mankind, … to develop a new way of thinking, to try to bring forth a new humankind.

I don’t know of any­thing more moving or greater than this lesson of life coming from a deathbed.

Présence Africaine, no. 40 (1962); trans­lated by Connie Rosemont

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