The Image of the Morisco — Iberian Connections 3
Romance languages Lounge, 82-90 Wall Street, 3rd floor. Yale University. New Haven, CT 06511
Our guests for the third session of Iberian Connections are Leslie J. Harkema, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Yale University, who will be moderating and responding to Borja Franco, an Associate Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) in Madrid.
Borja Franco will be presenting his research on the image of the Morisco in Early Modern Iberia, and has written an article in which he deploys some of the questions in his intervention. He has also suggested some readings to prepare for this session, based on his recent book:
Borja Franco y Francisco J. Moreno Díaz del Campo. Pintando al converso La imagen del morisco en la península ibérica (1492–1614). Madrid: Cátedra, 2019.
Sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the Department of History, and The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies.
This article will be updated.