
All articles related to the keyword “Magic”

Román Ramírez

Published on March 31, 2020
Acusado de haber hecho un pacto con el demonio, Román fue procesado por la Inquisición, pero murió en la cárcel antes de que finalizara su juicio.

Erictho’s spell —Mon­taner

Published on October 30, 2019
For the com­plete text, please check the PDF file “…there was no such thing as “ancient witch­craft” (pace Stratton inter plu­rimos), because—as opposed to sorcery and necromancy—there were not real prac­ti­tioners of witch­craft, but just people accused of it, and such accu­sa­tions are not doc­u­mented before the 14th century (Robbins 547–548, Kieck­hefer 10–20).