From the home page of the website:

ABOUT THIS PROJECT: In 2009 I read the work of Ramon Pujades “Les cartes por­tolanes: la rep­re­sentació medieval d’una mar solcada,”[1] which pointed me to a body of knowledge regarding the map-makers of Majorca of the late middle ages that had not obtained the recog­nition it deserves in the English-speaking car­to­graphical research world. This body of knowledge includes the work of Jaume Riera and Father Gabriel Llompart. I knew Father Llompart from my school days in Majorca when I attended Colegio San Cayetano, the com­munity where he still resides. In the summer of 2009, I visited Father Llompart and pro­posed to translate his and Riera’s research into English. He agreed and con­tacted Jaume Riera, Sec­retary of the Archival of the Kingdom of Aragon at Barcelona, who also agreed to this enter­prise. The Cresques Project was born. This webpage was created to make their sig­nif­icant con­tri­bu­tions to the history of car­tog­raphy available in English and to promote medieval Mediter­ranean car­tog­raphy in general. I am indebted to both the late Father Llompart and Jaume Riera for their help throughout this project. I am also grateful to Mr. Bill Warren (Cal­i­fornia Map Society) and Mr. Tony Campbell (former Map Librarian of the British Library) for their encour­agement to pursue this project. I am indebted to The Hunt­ington Library and its staff, in par­ticular, Laura Stalker (Avery Asso­ciate Director), for granting me access to the Hunt­ing­ton’s rich ref­erence material. Finally, my grat­itude and love to my wife Kristin who patiently proofread all the works.”


  1. In Catalan, with English text ‘Por­tolan charts: the medieval rep­re­sen­tation of a ploughed sea’, Barcelona: Institut Car­togràfic de Catalunya; Institut d’Es­tudis Catalans; Institut Europeu de la Mediter­rània; Lunwerg, 2007. [With a DVD fea­turing the charts and selec­tions of the atlases cited.] ISBN: 10: 8497854144. 13: 9 788497854146.[]