Erich Auerbach’s take on the study of the figura is not independent from the historical moment of anti-Judaism he was living in.
Through Quicksearch, at Yale, you can find an online copy of Robyn Chapman Stacey’s book.
Issue 09 — Spring 2022 —
Session 06
On the margins of this article, there are pdf’s to two commentaries of the Song of Songs, that of the Spanish rabbi Arragel, who translated, commented, and painted a Bible for the Duke of Alba in the early 15th century, and an edition of the Bible with the Ordinary Gloss and the commentaries of Nicholas of Lyra.
At the center of the debates, the linguistic expressions that mark the possibility of a fictio legis or legal fiction.
“In Tabula Picta Marta Madero turns to the extensive glosses and commentaries that medieval jurists dedicated to the above questions when articulating a notion of intellectual and artistic property radically different from our own.
Derrida was frequently interested in marginal writing, as we can see in La grammatologie, Marges de la Philosophie, or, of course, the infinitely labyrinthine Glas. None of these interventions can be read devoid of their physical, material aspect.
Issue 07 — Fall 2020 —
Session 02
Alencastro, Luiz Felipe de.
Part I Zamora Loboch, Francisco.