Biblia Medieval
Iberian Medieval Bibles
Issue 01 — Fall 2019 — Session 04 —
Microliteratures: In the Margins of the Law
By Jesús R. Velasco | Published on May 23, 2019
By Jesús R. Velasco | Published on May 23, 2019
The Biblia medieval website is a collection of interactive electronic resources for the study of an important corpus of medieval Spanish texts: the Old Spanish translations of the Bible.
In Biblia Medieval users can find:
- An index of manuscripts with pertinent information on all the medieval codices that have preserved the Old Spanish Bible translations: content, date, source language and brief description of each manuscript.
- A corpus that enables users to view in parallel columns the extant medieval Spanish versions of the Bible, compare them side-by-side with their Latin and Hebrew sources and consult directly facsimilar images of the manuscripts.
- An updated bibliography containing editions of –along with theses, studies and reviews on– these vernacular Bibles from the Spanish MIddle Ages. The bibliographic database is indexed and many of the entries contain an abstract of their content.
- A page with external links, concordances, downloadable texts and other online resources on medieval Spanish, history of the Spanish language, Bible studies, Judaism and related topics.
- A FAQ section with basic facts about the Old Spanish biblical corpus and general information about the resources in the Biblia medieval website.
- A list of recent publications by members and collaborators of the Biblia Medievalproject and research findings obtained through recourse to the Biblia Medieval corpus.”