During this second semester of exis­tence of Iberian Con­nec­tions, we are devoting all our interest to the central question of Public Human­ities. We want to explore how the work we do in the aca­demic world is not, and cannot be, dis­con­nected from the public sphere. Maybe the public sphere, as we used to know it, has bursted into a con­stel­lation of bubbles that seem to have their own grav­i­ta­tional fields. We want to inves­tigate how history, philology, the human­ities, the social sci­ences, etc. tackle the cul­tural, political, and social dynamics of those bubbles and their grav­i­ta­tional fields, thus impacting public and political life. We will be priv­i­leged enough to be in con­ver­sation with some of the most engaged and bril­liant con­tem­porary scholars in Iberian Studies and Public Human­ities, like Sarah Pearce, from NYU (Feb­ruary 13th), Maya Soifer Irish, from Rice Uni­versity (April 7th), and Miguel Martínez, from The Uni­versity of Chicago (April 17th). Consult the Iberian Con­nec­tions site fre­quently to get access to the updated mate­rials and discussions.