
All articles related to the keyword “Latin”

The Power and the Law –Conte

Published on October 25, 2019
Around 1200, the lawyers were looking for a balance between the two author­ities: the one of the law­makers and the one of the existing law.

Opicinus of Canistris

Published on September 11, 2019
With the help of the articles here uploaded, and the images from the man­u­scripts (and a lot of patience) we will be doing a general, mainly super­ficial reading of the work of Opicinus of Can­istris, a priest and notary at the papal court of Avignon, born in Pavia in 1296.

Pro­logue to a tragedy

Published on May 23, 2019
The tra­di­tional division of the liberal arts in seven, implies an internal division in two branches, called respec­tively trivium and quadrivium, the way of three, and the way of four.