The video link on the margin will lead you to a zoom interview in Spanish with Dr. Cinthia María Hamlin (SECRIT-CONICET), and Dr. Juan Héctor Fuentes (SECRIT-CONICET), both from Buenos Aires, about their dis­covery and iden­ti­fi­cation of a new Spanish-Latin Dic­tionary, now pre­served at the Fire­stone Library at Princeton University.

Eric White (Curator of Rare Books at Princeton Uni­versity Library) pub­lished a blog note about this at this link:


Drs. Hamlin and Fuentes have explained their work in a recent article:

Cinthia María Hamlin & Juan Héctor Fuentes. “Folios de un incunable desconocido y su iden­ti­fi­cación con el anónimo Vocab­u­lario en romance y en latín del Escorial (F.II.10)”. Romance Philology, vol. 74 (Spring 2020), pp. 93–122. DOI 10.1484/J.RPH.5.119970.