Beatrice Pas­ciuta is a Legal His­torian at the Law School, Uni­versity of Palermo, Italy, where she also directs a research group on mul­ti­cul­tural and multi con­fes­sional legal writing and power cir­cu­lation during the Normand Kingdom of Sicily. Emanuele Conte is a Legal His­torian at the Law School, Uni­versity of Rome 3, and Directeur d’É­tudes at the École des Hautes Études en Sci­ences Sociales. Both are strange legal his­to­rians, because although they both work at a Law School, they are not lawyers. This is one important part of this con­ver­sation with Brais Lamela (Columbia Uni­versity), in which bth Pas­ciuta and Conte explain what they do, why they do it the way they do it, and what is the con­tem­porary rel­e­vance of what they do. Finally, they engage in a series of con­sid­er­a­tions of what is aca­demic freedom now, con­sid­ering aspects of fem­inism and uni­versity governance.