Beatrice Pasciuta & Emanuele Conte
Beatrice Pasciuta is a Legal Historian at the Law School, University of Palermo, Italy, where she also directs a research group on multicultural and multi confessional legal writing and power circulation during the Normand Kingdom of Sicily. Emanuele Conte is a Legal Historian at the Law School, University of Rome 3, and Directeur d’Études at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. Both are strange legal historians, because although they both work at a Law School, they are not lawyers. This is one important part of this conversation with Brais Lamela (Columbia University), in which bth Pasciuta and Conte explain what they do, why they do it the way they do it, and what is the contemporary relevance of what they do. Finally, they engage in a series of considerations of what is academic freedom now, considering aspects of feminism and university governance.