Call for Glosses
The Glossary on Iberian Connections intends to be a powerful theoretical space for thought and debate. In the guise of some medieval glosses, that constituted full-fledged theoretical, conceptual, or philosophical essays in the physical margins of books, this glossary wants to be free, creative, and, at the same time, a long dialogue crossing periods, ideas, and disciplines. Like those glosses, Iberian Connections glosses do not need to be the last word on anything —maybe the first word about something, maybe the moment in which a problem, a word, a concept, a nagging idea is put in words for the first time, or for the first time after a long silence.
Considering those simple characteristics, you can submit your gloss to be considered for publication on this website. Own your style, lead the way to think about something, and be as critical and creative as you can.
Some glosses that are currently underwork deal with improvisation and a critique of multiculturalisms. Suggestions for writing your gloss are included in the section “How to Contribute to Iberian Connections”. Remember that these are, indeed, suggestions, and that you may (and probably should) make changes or propose other ideas.