Paul Michael Johnson
Paul Michael Johnson is Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies at DePauw University. He is the author of Affective Geographies: Cervantes, Emotion, and the Literary Mediterranean (U of Toronto P, 2020). In addition to his monograph, his work is published or forthcoming in journals like MLN, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, and PMLA, and encompasses such topics as the history of emotion, visual and sound studies, oceanic studies, literary theory, pop culture, public monuments, the Inquisition, translation, and early modern Spanish drama, narrative, and poetry. Among his most recent publications are contributions to the Norton Critical Edition of “Don Quijote” (ed. Diana de Armas Wilson), the volume The Quest for Certainty in Early Modern Europe (ed. Barbara Fuchs and Mercedes García-Arenal), and the critical introduction to the first modern edition of a 17th-century play by Luis Vélez de Guevara, Celos, amor y venganza. His current book project is tentatively entitled A Cultural History of Shame in Early Modern Spain.