Elizabeth Spragins

Elizabeth Spragins is Assistant Professor in Spanish at the College of the Holy Cross. She completed her PhD in Iberian and Latin American Cultures at Stanford University in 2017. Her research focuses on prose narrative from the early modern Western Mediterranean, with particular attention to questions of identity, authority, and multicultural exchange. Her book project, "A Grammar of the Dead: Necroepistemology in the Early Modern Mediterranean", investigates how narrators ground knowledge through representations of corpses in Mediterranean historiography. Her work has been published in "La corónica" and "ConSecuencias", and is forthcoming in "Teaching Race in the Renaissance".

On Col­lab­o­ration

Published on September 21, 2020
In this position paper, rather than high­lighting new cor­puses of study or dis­cussing my own par­ticular research, I want to make a more global argument about the position of inter­dis­ci­plinary fields within today’s academy and open up a dis­cussion about what Mediter­ranean studies, Iberian Studies, and early modern His­panism might look like as a set of truly col­lab­o­rative, inter­secting fields.