Performing Law — Peters
- Peters, 4 Irreverent Performance
- Peters, Mapping Law and Performance
- Peters, Good and Bad
- Peters, 6 Legal Performance
- Peters, 7 Epilogue
- Peters, Introduction
- Peters, Table of Contents
- Peters, Law as Performance
I will start in medias res with an incident that doesn’t appear in my book but might have: a witchcraft epidemic in Basque country in 1612. At the Tribunal of Logroño, nearly 2000 people have confessed. In the midst of her confession, sixteen-year-old María Larralde points out the high window in the audience chamber: there are, at that very moment, seven people from her coven suspended in mid-air! look! they are all there, at that very hearing, “staring and gesticulating”! Inquisitor Alonso de Salazar Frías is skeptical: the window is the size of a folio, and the room (he declares) “so low, so small, and so narrow, that with the altar for the celebration of Mass and the table for the Tribunal there [is] scarcely space left for anyone.” And yet (others swear), more than forty witches, “together with the devil,” are “flying through the air from a league and a half away” toward the interrogation room, determined “to wreak vengeance” on Salazar. Now (cry the witches) they are “enter[ing] the audience chamber” through the windows, now they are here, in the audience chamber itself: how can the law withstand their force? They are unafraid of even God Himself [1].
This incident, which I hope to deal with in a less cursory way elsewhere, represents some of the central claims of my book. My post here will focus primarily on those, along with the book’s implicit theoretical concerns and methodologies. First, however, I want to express my gratitude to Jesús Velasco for the invitation to share, through Iberian Connections, the deeper connections of our academic work: connections between pedagogy and praxis, public and private, the cognitive and the affective, text and performance, mind and body. In the spirit of his invitation, I hope to talk about two things on March 1st that may appear to be outside of my book but are for me bound up with it: first, how the book might speak to law today, in all its violence and with all its dreams of transformation; second, the book’s origins in broader intellectual quests, the personal struggles that lie behind these, and my attempts to translate those struggles into some form of action.
What is my book about?
My book is, from one perspective, the history of a legal idea. It traces performance as a critical legal concept with a long and important legacy, one that has been invisible to modern scholarship. This concept says: law must not merely be done, it must be seen to be done; but if it is mere spectacle, it is not truly law. And so the concept also registers two antithetical attitudes—legal pro-theatricality and legal anti-theatricality—that issue in a constitutive opposition: if law is theatrics, it’s not real law. My book is also about the practice of law as performance: the ways that embodied, often theatrical, practices—in courtrooms and audience chambers, under scaffolds, church buttresses, and in the streets—make law, often without much help from doctrine. In examining law as a performance practice through the early modern period, my book attempts to offer an alternative to traditional legal history’s treatment of law as the product of edicts, doctrines, institutions, or (occasionally) socio-economic structures. At the same time, it offers an alternative to law and literature’s focus on law as text or on law’s textual representation. My book is not about theatrical representations of law: instead, it is about legal performance as a form of (sometimes highly theatrical) representation.
In my project, therefore, I do not talk about plays or theatres. Instead, I talk about events and practices and ideas that have been left out of legal history but that, I argue, are essential to understanding it. This project of recovery requires a historiographic method distinct from the two arguably dominant strains of legal historiography. Traditional legal history usually offers us a progress narrative: liberal concepts gradually take hold; brutality disappears; law becomes kinder and more humane. Radical legal history counters with a narrative in which so-called progress conceals the savagery of the modern industrial state. While my book traces what I call a “tradition” of thought and a set of concerns that recur throughout the period, my account is not teleological but instead considers law as a site of moment-by-moment encounters that may or may not fit into a broader historical schema.
The scene with which I began represents some of the book’s central claims: that performance is not merely a fact of law but a site of struggle; that while it sometimes bolsters power, it also sometimes confounds power, resisting law’s dominion through its own emancipatory logic. The significance of such scenes—I try to show—lies not only in their outcomes (a trial lost or won), or in the doctrines they represent, or even in the broad social conflicts that appear in them. It lies in the expressive power of performance, which may determine outcomes or articulate doctrine, but may also produce slippery, incongruous, contradictory, meanings —meanings as contradictory as the people who act them, as texts, as our own actions and desires.
But what is it really about?
In the past year, I have been teaching creative nonfiction writing workshops to students at both Columbia and the Metropolitan Detention Center. I find myself asking the same question again and again about both the classic essays I share with them and their own writing: they tell me what an essay is about, and I ask, “but what is it really about?” Like most books, mine is “really about” many things. Here are two of them. First, it is about the fact that we do not actually live under the rule of law. The belief that we live under “the rule of law, not men” is perhaps the central theology of modern liberal societies (far more enduring than our momentary political theologies). In this religion, the Rule of Law appears as a godlike sovereign, with a providential plan whose farsightedness scorns our own temporal myopia. In its mortal guise, the Rule of Law comes to us as a seemingly benign system of rules: objective, impartial, disembodied. Judges—the priests of the law—merely apply these rules, unswayed by circumstance, their private passions, their senses, caprices, or appetites.
Second, my book is about the fact that we do not live solely under the rule of force either. Law may rely on force, it may use violence and terror as one of its principal tools of domination, it may (as Robert Cover famously wrote) “tak[e] place in a field of pain and death” [2]. But force as state violence must contend with counter-forces, among them the will of the crowd, which may respond to the persuasions of drama, the seduction of theatrics, or the sheer resistant force of acting up. The state may try to control these, but it does not always succeed. Plato registered the power of the crowd in his warning that the spectators, if not tamed, would turn nomocracy (the rule of law) into theatrocracy (the rule of theatre). As my opening incident should suggest, even individuals who come before the law as seemingly abject subjects may respond to legal force through dramatic modes of resistance, sometimes successfully: those like Catharina Arndes who, in 1482, faced with a hostile ecclesiastical court posse, lifted her skirts and proceeded to moon them, till they fled in terror. One could give a rationalist account of why, at the Tribunal of Logroño, María Larralde conjured the invisible spectacle of seven witches suspended in mid-air gesticulating at her, but it seems clear that she was, in part, asserting her autonomy by capturing the scene. My book is thus about the potential power of bad behavior: its power not only to disrupt but to create law through action. It is about the fact that it is not only sovereigns, judges, or legislators who enact law: so do ordinary people like María Larralde. It is about law as tragedy but also as comedy.
“Contemporary Critical Thought”?
Plato and the other theorists I reference explicitly have all been dead for at least 300 years. When I confessed to our host that of course more contemporary theorists have informed my thought (how could they not?), he urged me to muse here on the theoretical undercurrents of my book, and I rashly agreed. (He is verypersuasive.) I thought, well, why not, I could maybe say, for instance, that if one writes a history of policing or punishment, one cannot escape the shadow of Foucault, but that my attention to the instability of legal power, the heterogeneity of law’s manifest expressions, and the play of theatricality at law’s heart stands against the macro-analytic critique of power that is central to his critical legacy. This is apparent in (for instance) Achille Mbembe’s revision of biopower as necropolitics or Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s evocation of biopower’s anti-capitalist antithesis: “altermodernity.” Mbembe, Hardt, Negri, and others in this tradition may illuminate the nexus of capital and violence that uses law as its handmaiden. But the quasi-technological macro-analysis that is their principal critical mode comes strangely close to replicating the chillingly dehumanizing social theory they denounce: the turn to problem-solving through social engineering that emerged from the nexus of the human sciences and the scientific state (with its power to “massify”), issuing in such innovations as industrial Taylorism, mass population transfers, death camps, and more. So, ironically, a text like Agamben’s Homo Sacer—with its protest against the perpetual state of exception and the world of camps in which only “bare life” is possible—in some ways reenacts the dehumanization it purports to critique.
I could maybe say too (I thought) that my book resists the kind of Althusserian ideology critique that continues to appear in legal studies. Althusser’s account of our interpellation into ideology has been particularly useful to legal critique because the paradigmatic moment of interpellation is a moment of interpellation into law: the police officer hails us; we answer; and that is how law subjugates us. Even critics of Althusser sometimes replicate his account of interpellation as subjugation. Judith Butler’s corrective might be seen as particularly relevant to my project, since there performativity is the central agent of interpellation, constituting the subject through punitive social norms that look much like Althusser’s. Certainly Butler’s early work offers a sometimes rigid and monochromatic account of how performativity produces subjects, one in which performativity appears strangely disembodied. Both it and the social appear primarily as a kind of machinery for the production of the self, abstracted from specific encounters with the resistantly material world in the variegated space and time of immediate experience. Butler, of course, significantly revised the account offered in Gender Trouble. But in the discussions of performance and performativity that take their cue from it, performativity appears primarily as a mechanism of collective identity-formation. There, identity often seems locked into conventional demographic categories (primarily modern ones, sometimes superimposed on the past). The subject, a performatively constituted self, may replicate or resist them but cannot escape the coercion / resistance binary that ties the self to their terms.
But I would then (I thought) have to add that one can find in Butler’s later work on excitable speech or assemblies—however broad-brush it may sometimes be—something closer to my own treatment of performance as collective rather than individual, outward rather than inward, renegade, hard to control, infinitely various, sometimes incongruous or outright weird. In this, it is consonant too with Jacques Rancière’s vision of the “emancipated spectator,” whose subjectivity is not the product of either ideology or conventional demographics (even reactively), who sidesteps subjugation in unpredictable ways, and who has the capacity to alter the “distribution of the sensible.”
I might say all that and more: on how I have both absorbed and resisted the work of psychoanalysis, semiotics, the anthropology of ritual, critical legal studies, media studies, affect theory, actor-network theory, critique and post-critique, and many people with very French names. But I don’t really want to.
True, all this has often seduced me: the cosmic adventure that is theory, the high-speed crossing of ideas, the elation of it all. However, even while writing the above paragraphs, I felt what I often feel: resistant to such discussions, —their abstraction, their grandiosity, their sweeping overreach, their sometimes intentional obscurantism. I know that those who claim to have dispensed with theory are deluding themselves. I have written some essays that engage contemporary critical thought head-on (for instance, “Legal Performance Good and Bad”). But in my usual scholarly modus operandi, I end up keeping such conversations at arm’s length, not for any intellectually justifiable reason, but rather from proclivity and sheer habit. I remain pigheadedly skeptical, not only about big theory but about long-established historical views: the replacement of accusatorial with inquisitorial procedures? the Christianization of execution? the rise of the nation-state? Maybe, maybe not. I plunge myself into primary sources, following their rich and tangled pathways, meandering with deliberate randomness in the name of discovery, attending to patterns but also—maybe mostly—to what is most strange, in an attempt to estrange myself from what I think I know. And then I dwell there, trying to see, hear, smell, taste what it was like to be there, envisioning each necessary movement, each gesture or sigh. When I start, I start in medias res, as I do here, because that is how life happens.
But what is it really really about?
As my students quickly realize, the answer to the question, “but what is it really about?” is never enough. Because in attempting to answer it, one ends up asking, “but what is it really really about?” peeling away layers, never quite reaching the core. Or, to switch metaphors, perhaps “it” is like an archaeological site: one keeps going down, but never reaches the bottom. Each of these layers contains an origin story: the book originated from this inquiry, this question one has always had, this curiosity, this hunger, this longing, this pain. I have told origin stories about my book that lie near the surface: a moment in jury duty crystallized it all; or, my paragraph on Plato grew until I found myself deep in the ancient world, where I truly had no business being. (That one is in my Introduction). To adapt Tolstoy’s famous axiom on unhappy families, each of these origin stories is true and untrue in its own way. When I see you on March 1st, I will not tell you the true origin story, the story of what my book is really really about, because I don’t know the true one, and maybe never will. But I will share with you an origin story that goes much deeper than jury duty or the temptations of Plato, one that is wholly personal (so it must stay just between us). But it is also one in which you may just see your own reflection: your love of wandering deep into the thickets of the past and of the library dust on your fingers, but your sense too that the past must speak to the present, which urgently calls to us.
- The Salazar documents: Inquisitor Alonso de Salazar Frías and others on the Basque witch persecution, ed. Gustav Henningsen (Leiden: Brill, 2004), 285–90, 295–6 (Second Report of Salazar to the Inquisitor General [Logroño, 24th March 1612]).[↑]
- Cover, “Violence and the Word,” Yale Law Journal, 95:8 (July 1986), 1601.[↑]