Iberian Connections 8.1 | DoroMicona :: Cervantes Troubles in Representation
November 9, 2021 || 1:00 pm
Zoom: https://yale.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYufumgrj8oEtfHwsqCrncC6aq8SwSRRC4O
Zoom: https://yale.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYufumgrj8oEtfHwsqCrncC6aq8SwSRRC4O
Esteban Crespo Jaramillo (Yale) will be in conversation with Cornesha Tweede (Oregon), Leah Middlebrook (Oregon), and Nick Jones (Davis, Scholar in Residence at Yale) on the episodes of Dorotea / Micomicona and the question of representation of Blackness and Africa in Cervantes’ Don Quijote.
Please register at: https://yale.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYufumgrj8oEtfHwsqCrncC6aq8SwSRRC4O